18 Truths That Michelin Chefs Will Not Tell You About Grilling A Top Steak! — steak knife RSS

18 Truths That Michelin Chefs Will Not Tell You About Grilling A Top Steak!

1. Leave it for 5 minutes to save all the gravy! 75% of beef is gravy, so it is important to keep this gravy as much as possible after cooking, so that the beef becomes juicy, which is why the beef should be left for a while. When frying the steak, flip it once every 15 seconds. The point is that when to heat the beef, the protein will begin to shrink, which will force away the moisture in the beef. The cooked steak is very hot, so the fiber is still shrinking and can squeeze out the gravy. If you cut it now, all the gravy will be lost. Then leave a steak for 5 minutes after frying, the...

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